So. Texas Mission Project, Jan 7-12, 2024

Leader: John Craddock

RHCC is planning our 20th mission trip to South Texas January 7-12, 2024. We suspended our trip for two years due to the pandemic. Our mission group builds or repairs houses in the area of Mission, Texas. We coordinate the work through the Faith Communities organization comprised of United Methodist, Presbyterian, and Catholic churches in the area. Our group stays in a motel near the work site. We travel to south Texas on Saturday or Sunday and work Monday to Friday noon. The work may involve continuing a project started by another group like us and be carried on after our week by another group. We usually get to meet the people we are helping - which makes quite a blessing for us. We have found that helping others gives a blessing to us as well - just like Jesus said!
Volunteers do not need construction skills as there are many tasks - from food preparation to clean up.
The work usually involves carpentry, painting, installing and finishing wall board, light plumbing and electrical work. (no work on roofs - we're getting too old for that!). Volunteers go at their own expense for travel and housing and evening meals. Donations are needed to purchase building materials.


1. Can you use me if I have little or no construction skills? How can I contribute?
We need help with food preparation for the on-site lunch. There is usually lots of painting to be done. And there are sundry odd tasks to help with - clean up, organizing, and go-fers.

2. How much will it cost me if I want to participate?
The cost is determined by the 6 hour travel (one way), 5 nights motel lodging, and 5 evening meals. Estimated total is about $700. We can carpool for the trip and share travel expenses.

3. I want to participate but can't afford it. Can I get financial assistance?
Yes! We have funds for this. We don't want anyone who really wants to help to miss out.

4. I'm not a member of RHCC. Can I come, too?
Yes! We don't want anyone who really wants to help to miss out.

5. What if I can't be there the full 5 days?
No problem. Come when you can.

6. What tools do I need to bring?
Tools that you use normally for handyman work. It is best if your personal tools are marked so they can be identified. We haul a trailer load of larger tools and some materials - like table saw, skill saws, level, nail guns, air compressor and hoses, painting tools, etc. - taken down on Saturday. The trailer will be in the Fellowship Hall parking lot and a time set for loading - probably Friday. Your personal tools can be loaded on the trailer at that time if you don't want to take them yourself.

Photos from past projects

