Our Beliefs

Our Purpose:

The purpose of Rolling Hills Community Church of Lago Vista, Texas is to help everyone become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. This happens through our commitment to Gather, Grow, and Serve.

Gather - gathering to worship God is what feeds us in our walk with the Lord.
Grow -  every member is urged to join a small group to study, pray, and encourage each other in our walk with God.
Serve - this is the culmination of our worship and growing, to serve others following Jesus' example of love.


Our Affiliations:

With a desire to be in close involvement with the large fellowship and mission of the Church of Jesus Christ, the Rolling Hills Community Church, a union, non-profit, Christian congregation, is related to the following Denominations:

  • United Methodist Church (UMC)
  • Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
  • United Church of Christ (UCC)
  • Christian Church/Disciples of Christ (CCDC)

(From Article III of the Constitution of Rolling Hills Community Church of Lago Vista, Texas)


Our Beliefs:

  1. Jesus Christ is the Lord of this Church.  Through the Gospel and by His presence with us as the Holy Spirit, we seek His guidance and direction in faith and life.
  2. We recognize the Holy Scriptures as contained in both Old and New Testaments as authorized in matters of faith and life.
  3. We identify with the historical creeds of the Church and with the confessional statements of each of the participating denominations.  Insofar as these differ, members of this congregation shall retain the liberty of conscience to search the Scriptures and prayerfully formulate their own affirmations of faith on such matters, unless by reason of a church office they hold within one of the participating denominations they are required to subscribe to a particular statement of faith.
  4. Baptism and Lord's Supper are the two recognized sacraments of this Church.  No specific form of each will be required; rather it is expected that the traditions and practices of each of the participating denominations will be respected, and that diversity of experience will enrich rather than detract.  Rites of Confirmation, Marriage, and the Service for the Dead, as practiced and understood by the participating denominations, will be an integral part of the life of the Rolling Hills Community Church.

(From Article V of the Constitution of Rolling Hills Community Church of Lago Vista, Texas)
