The Chosen Movie Series

We have viewed all 4 seasons of the Chosen and are waiting until season 5 is available, in March or April.

The public is invited to join us to watch The Chosen - a highly acclaimed fictional portrayal of Jesus from the gospels. It is a 6 season series of 8 episodes in each. They are well done and have been crowd funded and offered free to watch. No charge for this event.

Sunday evenings starting at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall

The movies are about an hour long. There will be opportunity after the show to discuss it in a small group around tables. Free popcorn and drinks will be available.

Many people outside of church still admire and recognize Jesus as someone special. These movies are a chance to see Jesus in action, shown with artistic liberties as it could have been. We will see the humanness of Jesus and his disciples and how diverse and unlike they were. RHCC members are encouraged to invite your neighbors and friends to enjoy it together.

Official trailer on YouTube

The Chosen website
