Sunday, Nov. 3 - 9:30 am Blended Worship in Sanctuary at 20103 Dawn Dr., with Communion and concurrent children's & youth Sunday school.
Click for the Weekly Newsletter dated 10-17-2024.
Campus Map
9:30 am worship will be live-streamed on Facebook and available on FB for viewing later.
further details.
Online Pledge for 2025
Make your pledge on our website, Click Here.
Youth Ministry Begins
...with our new Youth Minister, Rev. Joe DePalma Hinojosa. details...
Online Donations Change
RHCC has a new payments processor. Details...
The Chosen Continues, Nov. 3
Season 4, Episode 1 The Chosen movie series - Sundays at 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Details...
Watch trailer on YouTube
Operation Christmas Child Boxes
Preparations begin NOW. Details...
Wedneday Morning Men's Group
8:30 am. Fellowship Hall. Details...
NEW Tai Chi
11 am Tuesday & Thursday, Fellowship Hall
Over the Hump Day with Pastor Devlon
Every Thursday morning at 9:30. Communion and discussions at the church office.
Spiritual Gifts Survey
If you haven't already taken this survey, here it is - https://www.adultbiblestudies.com/spiritual-gifts-survey