Sunday, Oct. 13 - 9:30 am Blended Worship in Sanctuary, 20103 Dawn Dr., with concurrent children's Sunday school.
Click for the Weekly Newsletter dated 10-10-2024.
Campus Map
9:30 am worship will be live-streamed on Facebook and available on FB for viewing later.
further details.
MOPS - Oct. 14
Mothers of Pre-Schoolers, Oct. 14, 6:30-7:30 pm, Fellowship Hall Details...
Annual Pumpkin Hunt, Oct. 16
5:30 starting at Fellowship Hall
UCW - United Christian Women, Oct. 14
Next meeting Monday, Oct. 14. Details...
The Chosen Continues, Oct. 13
Season 3, Episode 6 The Chosen movie series - Sundays at 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Details...
Watch trailer on YouTube
Operation Christmas Child Boxes
Preparations begin NOW. Details...
Wedneday Morning Men's Groups
8:30 and 10 am. Fellowship Hall. Details...
NEW Tai Chi
11 am Tuesday & Thursday, Fellowship Hall
Over the Hump Day with Pastor Devlon
Every Thursday morning at 9:30. Communion and discussions at the church office.
Spiritual Gifts Survey
If you haven't already taken this survey, here it is - https://www.adultbiblestudies.com/spiritual-gifts-survey
Coming Soon - Pumpkin Patch, Oct. 13-31
Fellowship Hall parking lot